Checking out on Pop Culture
Saturday, December 24, 2005
  The lack of clothing Part 2
O.K., now to adress the female side of pop culture clothing. Here are some rambling thoughts on the current state of women (of all shapes, sizes, ages and ethnicity) and thier decision to leave thier front door and venture out in public.

Ran across a very funny web site some months back. While there are some men on the site, the majority of submissions are women. My gosh! Where are these women's brains? In Wal-Mart, filling stations, at the beach, walking at a zoo, you name it- these women have clothing too toght, too immodest, too unseemly. Some gals have clothing on that defies the law of gravity.

What really gets me are ladies that are grossly over weight, wearing clothes that cover about half of their skin, and walk on their meery way shopping ( bending, strutting, lifting) with no thought of how they ar ...uh hmmm...appearing. Don't have any solution for this in a free society. Although at times I want to throw up.

Now on to clothing for particular occations. One incident has stuck in my memory. I don't think it will ever leave. Some years back I arrived at my parish'es front entrance. There greeting me with handy worship bullitin in her hands was a eighteen year old lady of olng standing membership. I know her father well. The poor dear was almost spilling out of her front dress. The shortness of the dress was not as distracting as I was standing next to her. I remember thinking 'I'm here to worship our Lord...I don't need this kind of distraction right now!'

No sooner had I sat down (in my usual seat) when I spotted another young lady in front of me a few rows. The back of her t-shirt read "Fresh Meat" . Now I'm a man of reasonable discipline. I was able to forget these two distractions and focus on worshiping God. But why should I even be exposed to such innapropriate distractions? Do young ladies have no sense of responsibility in a church? Do they assume that men are always free game to get a reaction? Can I just chalk this up to a). youthfull stupidity? b). Parental neglect? c). the result of 'Pop culture'?

I've experienced many incidents like this ( not only in church settings) . My phsyche is at the breaking point on this. I want to scream with the diet guru some years back..."Stooooooop the Insanity!"

Location: Florida, United States

I'm a 50 y/o white guy. Own my own business. Have wife, son & two step daughters. Have a Bull Mastiff dog, chickens, 1 cat. I live on 10 acres deep (in the woods) of north Florida.

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