Checking out on Pop Culture
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
  American Pop Culture- The rise of the entrepreneur!
Several incidents in the past few years have jerked my chain regarding the general population and 1). Depending on a j.o.b. or depending on the Government, and 2). Starting your own business and being 'self sufficient'.

Let me clear up some terms first and some related thoughts: by self self suffient I don't mean thinking you do everything thing in life and accepting all the credit for it and think no one helped, counciled or encouraged you. This is obviously false for most rational people. Some much of life is utterly interdependent on our family, friends, fellow church members and business partners.

What I mean by self-sufficiency is an over whelming bedrock belief that it is up to the individual's efforts to think and act creatively to provide for their family, plot a course for the family mission, participate in the strengthening of neighborhoods, fulfill our obligation to worship the Father of all creation, take first and last responsibility for the training of our children, and lastly conduct ourselves peacefully (as much as is possible) as good citizens.

Contrary to this is the attitudes exemplified by many responses to, for instance, the destruction of hurricane Katrina. Too many of the professional poor sat on their butts and did nothing to help themselves. Like totally dependent subjects they waited, then complained about the lack of proper response for relief efforts.

Granted the mainstream media sought out these people and plastered them all over the t.v. This begs the question "Why do that in the first place?" The answer I submit is that, since the media is a large part of the problem, they perpetuate & encourage the perception that the average person cannot cope with disasters or calamities. Being paralyzed they cannot make wise decisions that will better their current situation. They need help. The all mighty government steps in and 'rescues' the helpless citizens from all ill.

By now it is evident that the governmental agencies failed generally in their mission. It is also evident that private groups got food and water into New Orleans better and quicker than the government did.

I am generalizing of course. There are many incidents of individual government workers who distinguished themselves admirably. The general message that permeates the main stream media is too close to my characterization however.

what made this court great was highly independent men and women who wanted freedom & the right to peruse happiness ans they saw fit. However, an unshakable belief in Divine Providence supported all their actions. The helplessness of too many masses in N.O. was (and still is) nauseating. While my heart went out to them initially, too many of them sat on their butts and whined and complained.

God help me to never do that!

Location: Florida, United States

I'm a 50 y/o white guy. Own my own business. Have wife, son & two step daughters. Have a Bull Mastiff dog, chickens, 1 cat. I live on 10 acres deep (in the woods) of north Florida.

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