American Pop Culture-Crusie Ships Redux!
Now I'm ready to write more on my experience on a cruise. This time I'm going to overlay the subject with obesity.
Almost from the first visual I remember of lining up at the check in counters I was struck with how many people were absolutely gargantuan! Young, old, middle aged like me...I'de venture that between 30 to 40% of the people in my visual range were grossly over weight! The thought of seeing them in swim trunks sent a disturbing and , as yet, unidentifiable feeling up and down my spine.
Sure enouph...when my family made it to the main top deck where the major swimming pool was many of them were spread out all over the lounges in what could only be described as a personal victory of fitting their blubberous bulk in a swim suit that was not fashioned with their body in mind.
After a few days I rode briefly with a man about my age in an elevator. I looked at the weight limit sign in front of me. "3000 pounds maximum." Turning to the fellow stadning next to me I said "Gee...with a limit like that we'd probably only get 5 people in here!" He lauphed and offered "Yep...I've seen some men who had no business getting into a swim suit" We chuckled over that one...the adolecant girls riding with us lauphed nervously as well.
Point being is that if you're so fat why come on a cruise anyway? It's not like you've been working hard for months and your body is worn out. Well, actually one's body can get worn out with bad food and no excercise. Bu the solution is not to go on a cruise and lay around the pool eating constipating inducing foods.
After the second day I noticed I wasn't going to the bathroom regularly myself. Hmmmm...checking my meals I determined that I'd backed off on the large salads I usually have everyday. Time for a tune up. For the remainder of the trip I ate one big salad everyday...still tried to avoid the really decadent desserts however. Sometimes I'd succeed...sometimes not.
One of the prevailing thoughts I had toward the end of the cruise was cruises are in some ways nothing more than the godless worldview the power of 10.
While the ocean is exilirating and refreshing, the wind invigorating, the time away from the phone is pure heaven the balance of the cruise experience is not an aid to expanding the Kingdom of God.